Blog / Single vineyard

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Rose & Arrow

Founded in 2012 by the film producer Mark Tarlov, who started Evening Land and Chapter 24 Wines, Rose & Arrow was developed with the help of the terroir specialist Pedro Parra, and Louis Michel Liger Belair as a consultant winemaker. The wines are produced in very small quantities and segregated by soil composition.
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One of the most famous producer of the noble Tokaji wines, Oremus was acquired by the Alvarez family (Vega Sicilia) in 1993.
Nowadays the estate farms around 115 ha of vines, and produces a range of lovely dry and sweet wines.
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Morgen Long

After having worked in Central Otago, Oregon, California and Burgundy, Seth established Morgen Long in 2014 with a single plot of Chardonnay. His focus in single vineyard, single variety instigated the curiosity of wine enthusiasts and wine critics alike, and he quickly became a hit.

His wines are made in a clear similarity with Burgundian Chardonnay, using techniques in the cellar that are common to Coche Dury and Jean Marc Roulot, among other top Burgundy Chardonnay experts.

Tiny production, single vineyard specific cuvee’s make these wines to look out for.

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JH Meyer

Producing organically grown single vineyards Pinot Noir, from multiple sites with various soil types, Johan quickly became one of the most interesting names for Pinot Noir in South Africa. His gentle extraction technique and previous experience in New Zealand and Santa Barbara allowed him to manage color, tannins, and oak use with great precision, delivering wines that are not only light in alcohol level, but also elegant and truth to its fruit character.
Productions are very small and yields are similar to some of the lowest yields from Burgundian producers.
The wines are fermented naturally with 100% whole clusters, and with one punch down performed daily for color and tannin extraction.
Those are great quality wines, that will surprise most of the pinot noir fans.

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